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The 3 relational dimensions that all executives must master: 'Managing up, down and across'

Sesión Flash | Spanish

October 29 OF 2015 from 07:00 PM to 09:00 PM

This flash session organised by the ESADE Alumni Career Service is an opportunity to learn how to manage your relationships with managers, peers and collaborators to ensure a positive impact on your career success.

Here are the pillars for 3-D management that executives in any organisation must master:

- Managing Up: superior relational management
- Managing Across: peer relational management
- Managing Down: collaborator relational management and what they expect of you

In general, we’d all benefit much more from the initiatives in our career strategy if we understood the importance of each interaction and saw them as opportunities to adapt to the communication style of each superior (Managing Up), each peer (Managing Across) and each collaborator (Managing Down).

This workshop is intended for people with superiors – and superiors who manage people – seeking to optimise the dynamics of strategic communication with a view to making the very most of interaction with superiors, peers and collaborators.

This workshop will be run by Jaime Lladó, partner and director at the executive development and strategy consultancy Lladó+Partners, and executive career coach.

Schedule: from 7 pm to 9 pm   

For further information: