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'Good theatre for better communications', by Mercedes Segura (Lic&MBA 90)


The ESADE Alumni Balearic Islands Club is pleased to invite you to ''Good theatre for better communications'', a workshop by Mercedes Segura (Lic&MBA 90), professor of Oral Communication at ESADE and public speaking coach for managers.

In this workshop, Mercedes will draw parallels between performing a play and communicating in a company. Every customer presentation, every team meeting, every interview, every shareholders’ meeting is like being on stage. Like actors, managers must prepare for each performance. They must concentrate and motivate themselves, know what shape they are in, and know their part well. Once on stage, managers must know their audience and, above all, enjoy themselves! The great lesson to be learned from acting is that our feelings and thoughts are conveyed by our body, our eyes and our voice.

Sign up now and learn a variety of acting methods - preparation, shape and motivation – to help you connect with audiences in any presentation. Then enjoy practising them by improvising scenes.


Mercedes Segura

For many years, Mercedes Segura (BBA and MBA from ESADE, CEMS Master from HEC, Paris) has been a manager during the day and an actress at night. Former manager of international marketing at Coty Lancaster, Paris, and marketing manager at PwC Luxembourg and Grupo Pi (film and TV distributor), Madrid. In parallel, she studied acting at Nancy Tuñón, and performed in amateur theatre groups. She also produced the play Algo más inesperado que la muerte (Lara theatre, 2010, and Marranadas by Marie Darrioussecq (Théâtre du Rond-Point, Paris, 2011, and Spanish, 2013).

Author of the essay ''¡A escena! Lo que el teatro aporta a la comunicación empresarial''' (Ed. Urano). She also teaches Oral Communication at ESADE and is a public speaking coach for managers. Her clients include: Grupo Godó, CaixaBank, Antonio Puig, Boehringer Ingelheim, BBraun, Arena Media, Macba, Basque Government.



See you there!

For further information: