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Film Forum: Before the flood. The science is clear, the future is not

February 21 OF 2017 from 07:00 PM to 09:00 PM

Hollywood loves movies about natural disasters. Earthquakes, asteroids and giant tsunamis fill our screens with terrifying scenes of humanity’s future. But let’s imagine that the film is not about an earthquake but ten catastrophes happening all over the planet at the same time. And let’s forget about Hollywood because this is the script we’re writing for the forthcoming decades outside our cinemas.

The discussion about climate change is over. Climate change is a reality, it’s happening now. If today’s world makes a difference, what can we expect tomorrow? Leonardo DiCaprio interviews politicians, scientists, activists and famous figures including Pope Francis, Barak Obama and John Kerry – not to discuss the existence of climate change but in search of possible solutions and action to save our planet.

Leonardo DiCaprio’s work surprised everyone including ourselves, so we decided to screen Before the Flood in our Film Forum. We’ve looked at climate change before, but this National Geographic documentary explains how society can prevent the disappearance of endangered species, ecosystems and indigenous communities. Within the pessimism there is a glimmer of hope. DiCaprio has surrounded himself with great documentary professionals including Oscar Stevens, the director who won an Oscar for ''The Cove'' (2009), screenwriter Mark Monroe, and Martin Scorsese, the star and narrator of the journey in search of change – change in human behaviour.

We will be joined on this occasion by Víctor Viñuales, Executive Director of ECODES.

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