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Who are we

Our community of alumni practitioners (directors and administrators) and future directors was created to help members stay abreast of new developments in the world of corporate governance. We also promote active debate and relationship-building among members.

What do we do

We provide venues for dialogue and networking – such as events and debate forums – to strengthen relationships and encourage members to share their experiences with the rest of the community. We are affiliated with the Esade Centre for Corporate Governance and have access to its knowledge resources and activities.


Junta Directiva

Daniel Romero Guiñón

Vocal Programa para Consejeros MAD 22-23

Lorena Toda Lloret

Vocal Programa Consejos de Administración para Empresas Familiares 22-23

Eulalia Planes

Vocal Promociona 19/ Consejeros 17

Rita Estévez Luaña

Independent Director at Línea Directa and Independent Director at MoraBanc Bank ESG para Consejeros MAD 22-23

Marguerite Mc Mahon

Vocal FTMBA 81/ Consejeros 20

Millán Berzosa

Member of the Sustainability Committee of the Council of Innovation and Good Governance and Independent Adviser at Isifarmer Programa para Consejeros Ed. II MAD 22-23