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Who are we

The ESADE Alumni People and Organization Management Club is the meeting place for ESADE alumni interested in this sector. Come along and get involved with the club and enjoy the benefits of belonging to our network. The club is very keen to receive your comments and contributions.

What do we do

We organize events about people management and hope you’ll be able to come along. All our events will be announced in advance in this website, in the ESADE Alumni fortnightly newsletter and in personal invitations that will be sent out in due course.


Junta Directiva

Marc Correa

Academic Sponsor Liderazgo de Personas y Gestión de Equipos 06 / VV 11

Cristian Rodríguez-Ferrera

Vocal LIC&MBA94

Elisa Bandres

Vocal DDP 08 / PMD 13

Marta Cercós Cercós

Board member Lic&MBA 96 / AMP 18

José Antonio González

Vocal SEP 08

Begoña Landazuri Plaza

General Manager of People and Culture at Aldesa FNAC - Jornadas de Actualización Directiva 11-12

Maria Belén Moreu

Vocal MBA 99