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11 June, 2021

International volunteering in Peru: a success Story

An analysis of one of our projects to generate a productive economy in developing countries

11 June, 2021

Our alumni share their experiences as Pro Bono Consultants

We’re taking a look back at Pro Bono Consultants through the testimonies of alumni who have taken part in the project.

11 June, 2021

«My experience as a Pro Bono Consultant»

Daniel Cornudella (Lic&MBA ‘85 / DP-EP ‘03), Director of Operations at RACC, discusses his experience as a pro bono consultant

07 January, 2019

People have a right to better lives and we can help them through economic development

Jaume Aller on how economic development can have a positive impact on developing communities

07 January, 2019

Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible aportan oportunidades de negocio a las empresas españolas

Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), aprobados en 2015 por las Naciones Unidas y firmados por 193 estados con el compromiso de alcanzarlos en 2030, aportan oportunidades de negocio a las empresas.

04 January, 2019

Richard Linde: “Each of us can do our bit to grow the third sector and make it more robust year after year”

“Those of us who have been fortunate have a certain obligation to help those who have been less fortunate”